
Sunday, January 15, 2012

How Does Solar Energy Transform Into Electricity?

Technology is available to take solar energy and convert it into electricity in order to power space ships and satellites and hand-held devices and provide electrical energy to homes. There are two primary methods for creating electricity from solar power. Photovoltaic technology coverts solar energy into electricity, and solar thermal energy generates electricity through a heating process.

  1. Photovoltaic:

    • Photovoltaic cells are made from a material such as silicon that coverts the sun's light into energy when it is absorbed into the substance. Each cell is designed to produce one or two watts of electricity, and when the cells are combined in panels or arrays, they can generate more power. Electricity that is generated through solar panels has to be converted into AC power by conversion equipment in order to be used within a home or business.

    Solar Thermal Power:

    • Solar thermal power involves using huge solar-energy collecting tubes or pipes that have a fluid contained inside of them. Once the tubes or pipes are heated up, the fluid is then cycled through a solar power plant that contains a large body of water. Once this water is heated up by the tubes or pipes it produces steam. When the steam is hot enough, it produces mechanical energy that turns a turbine and electricity is created when this turbine powers a generator.

    Solar Dishes:

    • Solar dishes collect solar energy by concentrating solar collectors at the dish, and this causes the dish to heat up to nearly 1,200 degrees. Electrical power in solar dishes is produced by compressing a cold fluid through the use of a engine. Once this fluid is compressed it is then heated up by the solar dish and this causes it to expand through a turbine and a piston in order to create mechanical energy. This mechanical energy is used to power a generator that produces electricity.


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