
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mecasolar trackers adapted for use at 600 kW CPV plant in Italy

On January 11th, 2012 Mecasolar (FustiƱana, Spain) reported that it has delivered 55 tracking systems to a 600 kW concentrating solar photovoltaic (CPV) plant in Italy. These trackers will be retrofitted to the plant, which is currently operating.
Each tracker will support 48 230 watt CPV modules, for a total of 11 kW per tracker. The CPV modules use a 5x concentration design, and Mecasolar states that this project shows that its trackers can be easily adapted to other types of low-concentration CPV modules available on the market.

Precision of 0.5 degrees anticipated
This is the first time that Mecasolar trackers have been adapted to low-concentration CPV modules, and the company expects its trackers to achieve a precision of 0.5 degrees. Mecasolar trackers used with crystalline silicon PV modules have an accuracy between 2.88 degrees and 1.44 degrees.
The CPV plant also features Tripower 10000 inverters from SMA Solar Technology AG (Niestetal, Germany).
The company states that it will launch a concentration tracker in 2012, and in December 2011 launched a 114 kW polar-aligned tracker.


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